Trumpet "la rossa" receives Saxon State Prize for Design 2023

We received the Saxon State Prize for Design for our innovation, "la rossa" - the first lead- and nickel-free trumpet.

The Saxon State Prize for Design has been awarded by the Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport since 1992. At the 2023 award ceremony, we received the award from our Saxon State Minister Martin Duhlig.

The Design Award recognizes outstanding design achievements from Saxony with the aim of strengthening the Saxon design industry and making it visible as an important economic factor.

The "la rossa" at MDR

The ​„la rossa“ at MDR

On 01.04.2022 we had the opportunity to present our ​„la rossa“ in a broadcast of the Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk. Trumpeter Frank Hardies plays the instrument and reports about his impression. Interested? Then have a look at the report!

to the video on Youtube
​​Saxon Innovation Award 2023

Saxon Innovation Award 2023

Saxony's innovations on a grand stage: On July 4, around 1,000 guests celebrated #InnovationmadeinSaxony together.

The diverse program included an extensive trade fair area, exciting stage programs and many networking opportunities for the innovation enthusiasts. The highlight was the awarding of the three Saxon State Prizes for Foundations, Transfer and Innovation.

We received the special prize of the Saxon Chambers of Crafts for our innovation, "la rossa" - the first lead- and nickel-free trumpet.

picture, from left to right: Marina Heimann (Managing Director of futureSAX), Martin Dulig (Saxon Minister of Economic Affairs), Max Hertlein and Frank Wagner (President of the Chemnitz Chamber of Crafts).

to the video on YoutubefutureSax

News from the company

International Crafts Fair 2025

Logo Brawo 2024

March 2025

Visit us at the International Crafts Fair 2025!

We look forward to presenting our latest innovations to you at the special show ‘Innovation wins!’. As one of the twelve most innovative craft businesses in Germany, we are proud to be part of this exclusive exhibition.

When?    12 - 16 March 2025
Where?    Munich Trade Fair Centre, Hall C1, Stand 400

Take the opportunity to get to know us personally and discover exciting new products. We look forward to your visit!

Visit from Minister Martin Dulig

Minister Dulig plays the "la rossa"

June 2024

Martin Dulig, Deputy Minister President of Saxony and Minister for Economic Affairs and Labor, visited us in the workshop and, as a trumpet player, did not miss the opportunity to test our mouthpieces and, of course, the newly developed "la rossa" trumpet himself.

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Verleihung des Umweltpreises 2022

Environmental Award 2022 for „la rossa“

June 2022

Under the motto „Tradition and Future - Sustainability Wins!“ the award ceremony of the Environmental Award 2022 took place in the Chamber of Crafts Chemnitz. We are proud to announce that the prize went to our new trumpet „la rossa“.

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Max Hertlein & Bernhard Schmidt

180th company anniversary with many guests

June 2022

This year we celebrated the 180th anniversary of the company. Important politicians, industry colleagues, musicians and friends were guests for us. To name just a few guests of honor: Head of the Saxon State Chancellery and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media, Mr. Schenk, Vice President of the German Bundestag Mrs. Magwas, District Administrator Keil, Mayor Rubner, President of the Chamber of Crafts Chemnitz Mr. Wagner, and many more.

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Logo Innung des Vogtländischen Musikinstrumentenhandwerks Markneukirchen

Innung des Vogtländischen Musikinstrumentenhandwerks Markneukirchen

Musikinstrumentenmuseum Markneukirchen

Berufsfachschule Musikinstrumentenbau Klingenthal

Logo Musicon Valley

Erlebniswelt Musikinstrumentenbau
Musicon Valley

Logo Musicon Valley

Institut für Musikinstrumentenbau e.V.